




沒有網路,就好比斷了手腳般連最重要的Mail Checking都沒辦法做,更遑論查詢跟自己生活與手續相關的重要資訊

但在yodobashi camera,我卻碰到了到日本以來讓我覺得最屈辱的經歷



手機 Mobile phone

在日本,手機的功能十分豐富,除了可通話以外,還可以拍照片、收發短信、Email,上網瀏覽,聽音樂、看電視以及地圖導航等。另外,許多手機還為兒童家長提供GPS全球定位功能,兒童帶著手機的話,家長可以隨時在網上知道孩子的位置。 現在許多款式的手機可以用來付款。比如Sucia,Passmo,購買物品時只要用手機在櫃檯上刷一下就可。

手機的服務商主要有三個,Softbank,NTT Docomo,AU KDDI。Softbank是日本最大的運營商之一,由於價格非常便宜,很受年輕人好評,用戶增加量遠遠超過其他兩家(2008年統計結果),推薦使用。使用Softbank的White plan的話, 每月只要980日元,而且除了晚上9點到凌晨1點,用戶之間的通話和發短信都是免費的。非免費時段使用的話,價格是每30秒21日元,包月的話是980日元/月。




由於日本的手機普及率達到90.5%(2008年底),大量的公用電話已經從街頭撤退,從人們的視野中消失。不過,按規定市區內500米左右就需設置一台, 而且大商場,車站,主要街道上都有公用電話。


日本的電話號碼由三部分構成,如 03(區號)- 1111(局號)-2222(受話人號碼)。

撥號方法: 區號+局號+受話人號碼,如 03(東京區號)- 1111(局號)-2222(受話人號碼),

在日本打國際電話時,撥號方法:電信公司跨國連接號+ 國家代號+區號+電話號碼,
+11112222(對方號碼)。常用電信公司跨國連接號有001(KDDI)、0041(Japan Telecom)、
0061(Cable and Wireless)和0033(NTT)。日本的跨國代碼為0081。不一樣企業的話費和




在固定電話/公用電話上輸入卡上的號碼,聽語音提示,而後輸入密碼,再繼續接聽語音提示,按語音提示輸入你要打的電話號碼,例如說你要打廣州的電話:國家代碼0086、區號020、電話11111111 ,打的時候划去開頭的0,因此就輸入"86 20 11111111就可以了。如若是撥打手機,辦法一樣,如86 20 159xxxxxxxx。


應用免費軟件Skype的話,電腦之間的通話費免費。從電腦打到普通電話時, 2.3日元/分鐘,又有包月制,1400日元/月,可打到全世界的所有一台固定電話。




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筆試要到指定的駕照中心考場參加 考試。






































所以剛考完駕照的朋友,至少撐個3個月在來日本吧!!         持有台灣駕照(譯文)在日本可駕駛汽車之期間




需帶  國民身分證正本/駕照正本/申請書1份/規費100元(台幣)





① 臺北駐日經濟文化各代表處
② 社團法人日本自動車聯盟(於各都道府県之聯盟事務所設有受理窗口)









個人六個月以內正面脫帽半身的大頭照,尺寸3 x 2.4cm


普通 2,200円  「MT車(手排.自排皆可)・AT車限定(自排)」2種可選擇其中1種
原付 1,500円
大型・中型 4,600円
その他 3,050円
交付手数料 2,050円
併記手数料 200円


舉例: 熊要辦的是汽車及一般重機(125CC以內的)日本駕照

普通 (一般汽車)  2,200円

その他 (摩托車) 3,050円

交付手数料 2,050円

併記手数料 200円

以上合計 7500円   (有點貴....)






受理日  限平日及非假日

受理時間  午前8時45分~正午12時、午後0時45分~午後1時30分

地址  門真市一番町23番16号


受理日  限平日及非假日

受理時間  午前8時45分~正午12時、午後0時45分~午後1時30分

地址  和泉市伏屋町5丁目13番1号

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The Shannons' probably the "most Irish" pub in Tokyo, is named after the longest river in Ireland.Even through it is located in the business area of central Tokyo, you will feel as if you are in a cozy Irish cottage. The Shannons' will serve you the best of drink, food, plus great Irish traditional music and real Irish craic.

We highly recommend our chef's specialities for lunch and dinner. You will find the most authentic and traditional Irish food outside of Ireland.
Click for FOOD MENU

Our drinks collection is something unique. We serve not only Guinness, we serve various Irish brands of brew, Magner's Irish Cider, various Irish whiskey, poteen (Irish Moonshine), mead, Irish liqueur, and more drinks imported directly from Ireland.
Click for DRINK LIST

The Shannons' welcomes people from all over the world as our valued friends.

Irish Music Sessions
In addition to the organized gigs, we have sessions once a month that anyone is welcome to join in especially younger musicians or musicians who are learning.These sessions are as a general rule held during 16:00 to 18:00, on the 3rd Sunday every month. Please check with us in case the dates change.
It becomes 16:00  18:00 only on the third Sunday February.

Some of the favorite tunes for these sessions are listed here:

Maggie in the Wood (polka) / Give Me Your Hand (air) / Si Bheag Si Mhor (air) / The Maid Behind the Bar (reel) / Cooley's (reel) / Boys of Bluehill (hornpipe) / Harvest Home (hornpipe) / Tripping Up the Stairs (jig) / Munster Buttermilk (jig) / Shannon Breeze (reel) / The Butterfly (slip jig) / St. Anne's Reel (reel) / Egan's (polka) / The Sally Gardens (air) / Denis Murphy's (slide)


B1F Gatecity Osaki
1-11-6 Osaki, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo
(zip-code 141-0032, Japan)
Phone & Fax: 03-5437-5779Open 7 days a week
Monday to Friday 1100150017:00-24:00
Sunday 11:30-24:00
Lunch served 11:30-14:00 Weekday
Dinner served from 17:00 Monday to Friday
Dinner served from 17:00 Satday

Please E-mail us in English:

How to Find Us

We are only a 3-minute walk from the south exit of Osaki station on the JR Yamanote line and JR Rinkai line. The pub is on the first floor of Gatecity Osaki buildings area.

Click here for the detailed map with lots of photos, so you can't get lost.

Pub entrance from Yamate-dori avenue.

Another entrance from the 1st floor patio
of Gatecity Osaki building.

Bar counter.

Enjoy the night illumination
behind the Shannons'.

Paddy Foleys Irish Pub



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One of Tokyo’s first Irish pubs, Paddy Foley’s still offers the best craic, despite increasing competition. Guinness, naturally, is the house speciality, and the food is good. It can get as crowded as a London pub at weekends, something the locals (who always sit down to drink) regard with mild bemusement.



Roi Bldg B1F, 5-5-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Transport Roppongi station (Hibiya, Oedo lines), exit 3.

Telephone 03 3423 2250

Open 5pm-1am daily.


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Microsoft Office Specialist



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外國人也可以申請信用卡嗎? 答案是可以的!而且日本信用卡是你在日本生活的開始,有了信用卡以後要申請各式服務都會比要好半


關於日本信用卡的審查基準 ribenxinyongka

如果你在知道這些基準的前提下去申請信用卡的話,相信一定可以提高你的申請通過的機率一次申請多張信用卡是否有問題?之前在如何選擇信用卡?這篇文章裡介紹過一次性申請2到3張信用卡的沒有問題的。最近發現日本某位信用卡達人博客裡面也是這種觀點,而且寫的更為詳細。他的觀點是這樣的,首先,信用卡公司想要擴大自己的市場佔有率,所以即便是你同時申請多張卡也不會拒絶你,而且現在大多數日本人擁有數張信用卡是很平常的事情,那麼同時申請好幾張也是很普遍的事情,因為你同時申請了2張就拒絶你的申請有點說不通。而且這位達人還給出了一個結論,如果你收入普通或者是一個沒有收入的學生,那麼同時申請信用卡的枚數儘量不要超過2張,而如果你收入較高,那麼同時申請3到5張也是沒有什麼大問題的。記住,信用卡是你在日本的保命工具,有時候沒錢或是家人無法寄錢申請記錄就是你申請信用卡的時候,這就是你的救命工具喔!另外在超商網路購物都可以累積點數,算是很好的理財工具唷 簽名只是為了證明你利用信用卡進行了購物,所以不管是英文還是日文,或者是假名都無所謂。你喜歡簽什麼就簽什麼好了。當然,不能亂簽,必須得證明是你自己的簽名。



  • 初期與信是個什麼東西?





  • 日本樂天信用卡

    ・新規入会で楽天スーパーポイント2,000ポイントプレゼント 新規入會贈送兩千點superpoint現金。可以換現金,等於你申請成功就可以拿兩千日圓
    ・累積樂天點數1點=1円,可用在樂天市場,如果你有super point的話可以直接換現金喔
    最高日幣2,000萬円的海外旅遊平安險 很安心

  • 三井住友VISA信用卡

    ・購物保障 如果你被盜刷可以請求賠償 很安心

  • 日本有兩家航空公司,ANA是其中一家,一般日本人都叫做全日空,另外一個是日本航空,簡稱JAL。ANA和JAL都有自己的信用卡,不過ANA是跟其他發卡公司合作,而JAL則是自己發行信用卡。

    ・ 海外旅行/国内旅行傷害保険
    ・ 救援者費用(年間限度額)海外旅行
    入会後、2014年10月31日までに「JALカード会員限定運賃 JALビジネスきっぷ」で東京(羽田)―福岡線にご搭乗いただいた方へ2区間ごとに5,000e JALポイント(5,000円相当)をプレゼント!

  • ANA JCB信用卡(一般)



    第一年免年會費,第二年日圓2,000日圓,家族會員1,000 日圓
    ‧海外旅遊平安險 但無日本國內

  • 全家卡 Family mart 信用卡

    日本 全家卡 family mart 信用卡 線上申請(日文)

    這一張卡的好處在於你每天都會用到全家ファミリーマート 每天都可以累積點數,有太多種優惠了。很建議辦一張。




  • セブン&アイグループのクレジットカード seven-eleven Card



    楽天カード JCB


    學生永久免年費,打工度假也可以升請,據許多網友表示working holiday也可以過,點數可以直接折抵樂天購物金額,超級方便的, 學生都給十到三十左右..我現在最高的一張被調到80W了



    この度は、楽天KC株式会社 楽天カード をお申込みいただきまして誠にありがとうございます。




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As we just recently moved, the costs of said moving were on the high end of things (enough for me to end up in tears more than once, because ya know a teacher's salary isn't anywhere close to "we're doing well"). So I suggested to David (husband) that we get a Japanese credit card, just in case.

And in case definitely happened. But on the bright side of things, we were approved for a few cards we applied for, the Rakuten card, the J-West card and the Luluca card (specific to Shizuoka). We initially applied for the Life card but weren't approved.

After talking with different people, it seems that some people are able to get certain types of cards easily, while others haven't been able to get any cards. So we ran a poll to get your answers - you can find the results here.

Words to Know

Japanese Hiragana Romaji English
人気ポイント にんき ぽいんと  ninki pointo Why it's popular
年会費 ねんかいひ nenkaihi Yearly membership fee
ETC 専用カート ETC せんようかーど ETC senyou kaado ETC Card
発行期間 はっこうきかん hakkou kikan Time till card issued
海外旅行保健 かいがいりょこうほけん  kaigai ryokou hoken International Travel
国内旅行保健 こくないりょこうほけん  kokunai ryokou hoken Domestic Travel
ショッピング保健 しょっぴんぐほけん  shoppingu hoken Shopping Insurance
利用限度額 りようげんどがく  riyou gendo gaku Limit
付帯保健 ふたいほけん  futai hoken Supplementary

When we were looking at different credit cards to potentially apply for, we discovered a credit card ranking site that I'll use as an example in this post.

Editor's note Nov 8, 2012: The credit card ranking site we previously linked to now appears to be down and not working. Unfortunately we will have to do screenshots over for a new site, so if you do apply via a site, use the screenshots below as a basic guide for the Japanese and translations. You can search for クレジトカードランキング for sites or try the credit card section on

The most popular card on the site is the Life card, with the Rakuten card in second place. As you can see in the picture below, general information is provided about each card with a description about bonus options that they provide. Scroll down and click on the bottom left button (詳細を見る) for more details (shown in second image below). I'll be looking at the information for the Life card.
credit card, Japan, Japanese, apply, ranking

credit card, Japan, Japanese, apply

On the next page you can see the details on the Life Card. First is the special campaign (in the light yellow box) that you get from applying through this site. If you apply through this site then you get 1.5 times the points for the first year and you can get up a 3,000 yen gift card if you log in to the members site after you apply for the credit card. You can also get a gift card for up to 3,000 yen depending on the amount of money you use and finally, if you use the online mall, you can get a 1,000 yen gift card.

The next section, カードの特徴, explains the features (特徴, とくちょう, tokuchou). This site shows the yearly fee (年会費), which is zero for the Life card and then lists the supplemental insurance (付帯保健) that is provided.

For this card, there is coverage for if you lose your card or it gets stolen. They will go back 2 months from the time you report your missing card and will cover the amount.

The next part explains the point system (under Lifeサンクスプレゼント). For this card, you get one point for every 1,000 yen, and you can get a 5,000 yen gift card from JCB for every 1,000 points you earn. So, basically, every point is worth five yen. The points last for five years which is longer than the one year that seems to be standard, from what I've seen.

The point system also has a sliding scale so the more points you get, the better the return rate of the rewards are, which you can see in the point simulation below (three pictures down). You can also trade in one point and get three miles with All Nippon Airlines (ANA).

This card has a bonus rewards system as well, which is described in the ステージ制プログラムsection. Depending on the amount you spend with the card, your reward rate will increase after a year. If you spend over 500,000 yen, you get 1.5 points per 1,000 yen and if you spend more than 1,500,000, you can get two points for every 1,000 yen. For your birthday month, you receive five times the points meaning that for every 100 yen you spend, you can earn 1.5 miles instead of .3 miles

As a bonus, if you spent over 500,000 yen in the last year , you get 300 extra points.

You can use the credit card as a EDY card (electronic money or like a debit card). This credit card is one of the few cards (they claim) that allows you to earn points for charging and using your EDY card. However, you only get .5 yen for every 1,000 yen you use to charge your card, which is half the original rate.

As stated above, you can get three ANA miles for every one point. However you must have a minimum of 300 points (900 miles) before you can transfer them to miles. The good news is that it is free to transfer your points to miles for this program and you can get miles for using your credit card as an EDY card. Lastly, the Life card has a L-Mall. If you buy from the shop in the L-Mall, you could get up to 25 times the points you would get normally, similar to other credit card online shopping and affiliate programs.

Here is a point simulation to show how the point system works.

Finally, at the bottom is the actual specifics about the credit card, but first, here are some more words to know:

Japanese Hiragana Romaji English
入会資格 にゅうかいしかく nyukaishikaku Qualifications for
利用可能枠 りようかのうわく riyou kanou waku Limit range
支払方法 しはらいほうほう shiharai houhou Repayment method
1回払い いっかいばらい ikkai barai Repay the amount in
1 payment
2回払い にかいばらい  nikai barai  Repay the amount in
2 payments
ボーナスー括 ぼーなすいっかつ  bo-nasu ikkatsu Repay in 1 payment when
you get bonus points
分割払い ぶんわりばらい  bunwari barai Repay in monthly
installments (amount changes)
リボ払い りぼばらい  ribo barai Repay monthly (set amount)
キャシング kyashingu Cash Advance
還元の目安 かんげんのめやす kangen no meyasu Reward rate (reward)

Make sure to check the conditions before applying for a card. For this card you have to be over 18, can't be a high school student, must live in Japan and have a working phone number (stated in the first line in the image below).

credit card, Japan, Japanese,

The nice thing about this card is that the approval time is short and there are no membership fees, even for the ETC card, and the interest rate is comparable to other cards.

The downside is the reward system, which seems to be pretty common among many credit cards in Japan, although it does depend. For every 1,000 yen you spend, you get one point and you have to accumulate 1,000 points before you get a 5,000 yen gift card for JCB. This might not be what you are used to in your home country, but the rate of return with the reward system with Japanese credit cards is a lot lower than what I was used to.

If you want a card with a higher return, look for 還元率 or 還元率の目安 ( the number is in red in the picture above) when looking at other credit cards. Some cards also come with different types of insurance which are listed below. The Life card does not have any as you can see.
credit card, Japan, Japanese


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Bars and cafés

Exploring Tokyo can be exhausting. Fortunately, numerous hip cafés and bars provide the perfect place to recharge batteries, while indulging in a spot of people watching.

Some of the best can be stumbled across by simply wandering into the maze of tiny streets that lies off both sides of Omotesando. Take a stroll down Cat Street, past stylish fashion and design boutiques, before joining local hipsters over lunch at the Bape Café (3-27-22 Jingumae), set up by the DJ designer behind cult Japanese label A Bathing Ape.

Head towards the Prada building north of Omotesando and tuck into a virtuous herb tea and grain salad at the Pure Café (5-5-21 Minami-Aoyama), a serene eco-haven attached to the Aveda spa.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Omotesando is the recently renovatedKurkuu (2-18-21 Jingumae), a sleek wood and glass architect-designed haven for style-conscious eco-lovers, complete with organic café, restaurant, bar and workshop.

Art lovers should walk five minutes down the road to the hip basement café in the Mario Botta-designed Watari-Um Museum of Contemporary Art (3-7-6 Jingumae), checking out the current exhibition and its classy shop en route.

A short stroll away – just next to exit three of Gaienmae metro station - isSign (Yamakazi Building, 2-7-18 Kita-Aoyama), a vibrant cafe with bright graphic murals that attracts creatives by day and is home to a DJ and cocktail-sipping crowd by night.

Those with quirkier tastes might wish to visit Office (Kita-Aoyama 2-7-18 Yamazaki Bridge 5F), a DJ bar decorated in the style of a conventional workplace, complete with filing cabinets, photocopying machine and bookshelves.


There is no better way to kick-start an evening in Tokyo than with a sunset cocktail at a cloud-brushing skyscraper. For a personal Lost on Translation moment, head to the window-fronted New York Bar at the Park Hyatt Hotel (3-7-1-2 Nishi Shinjuku, 0081 3 5322 1234; where the film was shot. As the sun sets, sip a cocktail while drinking in the views of the neon-lit city below.

Dance music fans keen to catch top DJs should head on to one of the city's most famously hip clubs such as Womb in Shibuya (2-16 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya, 0081 3 5459 0039, Air (BF Hikawa Building, 2-11 Sarugaku, Shibuya, 0081 3 5784 3386;, or Yellow (B1, B2F Cesaurus Nishiazabu, 1-10-11 Nishiazabu Minato-ku, 0081 3 3479 0690;

The Blue Note (6-3-16 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, 0081 3 5485 0088; offers first-rate live jazz, blues and world musicians from around the world, ranging from Charles Lloyd to Omar Sosa, in an atmospheric setting.

For a stylish venue that attracts a creative community of designers, architects, photographers and writers, and which hosts suitably hip evenings, head to Superdeluxe (B1F 3-1-25 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, 0081 3 5412 0515; One of the hippest venues, it easily stands out from the nearby mass of Roppongi's more garish all night bars and clubs, hosting an array of imaginative events.


No self-respecting international designer is without a multi-million pound flagship architect-designed fashion tower in Tokyo these days. For a taste of luxury, head to Ginza, home of the gleaming new Armani/Ginza Tower (5-5-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku, 0081 3 6274 7000;, complete with spa and restaurant as well as men and women's collections. Nearby, there is the equally new flagship ten-storey Bulgari Ginza Tower (2-7—12 Ginza, Chuo-ku,, the world's largest store devoted to the Italian jewellers. Other designers in the area range from Versace and Luis Vuitton to Prada and Chanel.

A more down-to-earth fashion fix involves taking a stroll down Takeshita Dori in Harajuku (Harajuku Station, JR Yamanote Line). Gaggles of young Japanese tribes throng the colourful clothes, shoes, accessories and secondhand stores that line the street, making the people-watching as much fun as the shopping.

For the latest techno-gadget, head to Akihabara – the name may translate as "field of autumn leaves" but it is better known as Electric Town as it is home to the largest concentration of electrical stores in the world. It is here - alongside manga stores - that visitors will find the most cutting-edge gadgets, from singing toilets and house-cleaning robots to the latest cameras and computers. Head to one of the massive one-stop shops with Duty Free departments such as Laox: Duty Free Akihabara(1-15-3 Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, 0081 3 3255 5301; orYodobashi Akiba (1-1- Kanda Hanaoka-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 0081 3 5209 1010;

For quirky holiday souvenirs, head to Kappabashi Dori (Asakusa station, TOEI Asakusa line and Ginza line), near Asakusa's famous Senso-ji temple. The street is famous not only for selling every kitchen utensil imaginable but also for its stores dedicated to the plastic and waxwork food dishes and drinks that take pride of place outside Japanese restaurants.

 Exploring Tokyo can be exhausting. Fortunately, numerous hip cafés and bars provide the perfect place to recharge batteries, while indulging in a spot of people watching.

Some of the best can be stumbled across by simply wandering into the maze of tiny streets that lies off both sides of Omotesando. Take a stroll down Cat Street, past stylish fashion and design boutiques, before joining local hipsters over lunch at the the Bape Café (3-27-22 Jingumae), set up by the DJ designer behind cult Japanese label A Bathing Ape.

Head towards the Prada building north of Omotesando and tuck into a virtuous herb tea and grain salad at the Pure Café (5-5-21 Minami-Aoyama), a serene eco-haven attached to the Aveda spa.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Omotesando is the recently renovated Kurkuu (2-18-21 Jingumae), a sleek wood and glass architect-designed haven for style-conscious eco-lovers, complete with organic café, restaurant, bar and workshop.

Art lovers should walk five minutes down the road to the hip basement café in the Mario Botta-designed Watari-Um Museum of Contemporary Art (3-7-6 Jingumae), checking out the current exhibition and its classy shop en route.

A short stroll away – just next to exit three of Gaienmae metro station - is Sign (Yamakazi Building, 2-7-18 Kita-Aoyama), a vibrant cafe with bright graphic murals that attracts creatives by day and is home to a DJ and cocktail-sipping crowd by night.

Those with quirkier tastes might wish to visit Office (Kita-Aoyama 2-7-18 Yamazaki Bridge 5F), a DJ bar decorated in the style of a conventional workplace, complete with filing cabinets, photocopying machine and bookshelves.

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The annual Tokyo Art Fair will be held in 2012 between March 3oth and April 1st promises to build on the successes of the previous 5 events. It will be held in the Tokyo International Forum (near Yurakucho Station). Here is a message from the homepage (

We are pleased to announce that ART FAIR TOKYO 2012 will be held over in the coming cherry blossom season, and that for the second consecutive year we welcome Deutsche Bank Group as the Main Sponsor. The fair will present artworks from a range of genres and periods, including antiques, crafts, nihonga, modern art and the latest contemporary art as always, and will feature a total of the more than 160 participating galleries and cooperating partners from Japan and overseas.This year, ART FAIR TOKYO 2012 is expanding our venue, taking up all of the Tokyo International Forum Exhibition Hall aiming for further development with fascinating programs and related-events. Launched in 2011 as an experimental exhibition, “Artistic Practices” becomes a special section this year retracing Japanese art history with high-quality works ranging from antiques to contemporary art and projects.Having our international vision of “Tokyo as a city within Asia”, we proudly launch “Discover Asia” – a new section where prominent galleries from Asian major cities, such as Seoul, Taipei, and Beijing, participate at ART FAIR TOKYO 2012 along with museums and Japanese galleries that have been receiving an international acclaim.

In addition, as the “PROJECTS” section is setting up within the Exhibition Hall this year, the section not only features the usual participations of international young galleries, but has a new section, “project in PROJECTS”, which dynamically presents the large-scale works of the latest Asia-Pacific art going beyond the confines of a regular booth.

Through the course of the event, ART FAIR TOKYO 2012 hosts many original programs and new related-events in collaboration with the other creative industries, such as “food” and “fashion”.

It is our hope that all of you enjoy a unique experience to discover the joys of “purchasing art”.

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  • Oct 23 Thu 2014 13:56

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Japan is known as a “cash society,” but having a credit card in Japan can be very convenient.

A few months ago, I decided that I’d like a Japanese credit card of my own. I’ve been using my US CitiBank card, which is accepted at a lot of stores in Japan. My American CitiBank card is great in that regard, but charges an international usage fee that I could escape if I were to use a Japanese credit card.

For this reason, I applied for the Life Card. Much to my dismay, I was rejected. Talking to a coworker about it afterwards, he asked why I went for such a “high class” card. The fact is, I’m not familiar enough with credit cards in Japan to know which credit cards are easy to get for someone like me, a younger person with a lower income who hasn’t lived in Japan for a long time.

I decided to do a little research to find which credit cards are easy for foreigners in Japan to acquire.

Note About Japanese Credit Cards Types

Of course, there are types of credit cards that are easier to receive than others. A non-Japanese friend of mine was able to get a department store credit card the same day as the application was submitted.

I personally prefer to stick with bank credit cards, which may be a bit more difficult to get. This list is mostly of bank credit cards. This is my preference as a lay-person. So please keep in mind that I am not a professional and that I can’t take responsibility for the results of applying for or using any of these cards. Thank you for your understanding.

Notes About Additional Research

The table below is not by any means a thorough write-up of the credit cards. You can use it as a guideline. Once you’ve decided on a few cards that sound good, you should also research other aspects of the cards as well. Some items I’d suggest looking up would be:

  • Interest rates

  • Reputation of card

  • Possibility of adding family credit cards

  • Additional rewards, programs, and reward details

  • Possibility of usage overseas

  • Details of paying the premium (when to pay, how much to pay, how to pay)

  • Buyer’s insurance/theft/loss

12 Japanese Credit Cards for Foreigners to Consider

I’ve compiled this list of twelve credit cards which in theory may be easier for foreigners in Japan to receive. I’ve listed the credit card name, the credit card brand, the yearly fee, and some of the rewardsassociate with the card. All of this information comes from the cards’ official websites. Thisinformation may change, so please just use this as a guideline and double check on the official website.

As a side note, students may have more trouble getting a credit card in Japan. According to the credit cards’ official websites and the above mentioned guides, the following cards are recommended to students: MUFG Card Initial American Express Card, Walmart Card Saison American Express Card, Saison Card International, Aeon Card. In this case “student” usually means a student at a four-year university, not high school students / language school students / trade school students / etc.

Before I choose a card, I plan to do more research about the cards. I’ll post that research about Japanese credit cards later and also let you know how my application goes.

ike renting an apartment, obtaining a credit card in Japan is an exercise in patience and pain. To help ease some of that pain we have put together a simple overview to help you on the way. Do you have more personal experiences? Please feel free to add them in the comments.

The Basics

Securing a yen-based credit card not only makes your life in Japan easier, it is also essential if you want to access services such as online travel and booking, local ecommerce sites and plenty more besides.  If you run your own business in Japan then it becomes absolutely vital.

Using a credit card from home is an option, however it will leave you with plenty of extra charges such as a foreign currency exchange fee and in some cases, additional merchant bills.

The Process

The first thing to keep in mind if you have chosen to apply for a Japanese credit card is that there are three unique methods of re-payment. The three types are:

1. One-time or full payment (ikkatsu barai). Usually no interest is charged.

2. Multiple payment plans (bunkatsu barai). Divides the total charge by the number of months you want to pay for it. Interest added.

3. Revolving credit (ripo barai). Pay a set minimum monthly payment, and your total balance of credit is charged interest.

Each of these apply to the one of five international credit card providers: JCB, Visa, MasterCard, Diner’s Club and American Express. For the relevant benefits of each, you should check how they are sold in your home country, though do note that JCB is only available in Japan.

Next, choose where you would like to get your card from – e.g. a bank, a retailer, or another service type, such as the post office, department stores, or online services. There are pros and cons for each; a lot of it will come down to your needs, convenience and how much you value additional features such as IC card integration or store points.

Foreigners generally find it difficult to get a credit card as they are thought to be a credit risk as short-term residents. See here for one resident’s story on just how difficult it was when applying for a credit card with a nationwide bank.  If you do go through something like this, consulting with credit counselors  – usually found on the top floor of department stores – can often help.

Some cards in Japan charge an annual membership fee that can range from about 1,500 yen up to 10,000 yen per year but will provide cash-back programs, airline mileage points, and discounts. Some cards will offer specific combinations of these to specific customer groups, for example there are credit card services designed especially for woman.

Credit Card Table

Credit card name Brands Yearly fee Rewards
Mitsui Card

Visa, JCB 500 yen/year (first year free; free for the following year if you buy 50000 yen or more a year) Point System (exchange points for shopping, ANA miles, etc.)
Family Card International

Mastercard, Visa, JCB None (forever) Point System (never expire, exchange points for JAL miles, or docomo or au points, etc.)
Seven Card

Visa 500 yen/year (first year free; free for the following year if you buy 50000 yen or more a year) Point System (exchange points for shopping, ANA miles, etc.)

American Express None (forever) Point System (never expire, exchange points for au or docomo points, items, tickets, etc.)
MUFG Card Gold American Express Card

American Express 2000 yen/year (first year free) Point Program (exchange points for JAL or United miles, au/softbank/docomo points, online shopping, etc.)
MUFG Card Initial American Express Card (only for those 29 years old and younger) American Express 1312 yen/year (first year free, free while you are a student) Point Program (exchange points for JAL or United miles, au/softbank/docomo points, online shopping, etc.)
Rakuten Card JCB, Visa, Mastercard 2000 yen/year (first year free) Point Program (exchange points for JAL or United miles, au/softbank/docomo points, online shopping, etc.)
Mitsui Sumitomo EVA Plus Card(only available to those between 18 and 25) VISA 1312 yen/year (First year free; free after that if you use at least once a year)  
Viaso Card Visa None (forever) Cash Back (automatically receive 1 yen for 1 point)
JAL Card Visa, Mastercard

  • Annual membership fee (tax included) :

    • Regular Card : ¥2,160 (¥6,480 on JAL American Express® card)

    • CLUB-A Card : ¥10,800

    • CLUB-A Gold Card : ¥17,280 (¥20,520 on JAL American Express® card)

    • JAL Diners Card : ¥30,240

    • Platinum : ¥33,480

  • Eligibility

    • For Regular and CLUB-A memberships, individuals must be 18 years of age or older (except high school students). <The other cards have different eligibility. Please inquire.>
      Must have bank account in Japan.
      For "JALCARD Suica" membership, individuals must be residents of Japan.

  • Purchases charged to your JALCARD will accrue mileage automatically in your JMB account. Use of "JALCARD Suica" on purchases of JR tickets can accumulate VIEW Thanks points.

  • Complete the application and send it directly to JALCARD, Inc.

  • JALCARD requires credit screening. (JALCARDs are mailed to your registered address in about 4 weeks, after completion of the credit card screening process.)

Aeon Card Visa, Mastercard, JCB None (forever) Point system (WAON points; can use points at Aeon stores, McDonald’s, Family Mart, etc.)
ANA Visa Suica Card Visa 2100 yen/year (first year free) ANA Miles

Do you have a Japanese credit card? What is your advice for getting one and what is the best credit card for foreigners in Japan?

As is the case with many people, coming to Japan was a real change of pace for me. After finishing uni and deciding that the land of the long, white tobacco cloud was not for me, I said goodbye stable home life and hello freedom. For the first time, I was living alone, paying things called “rent” and “bills,” and enjoying the next step in my young, innocent life.

I’ve always been a cash man, so there was no adjustment necessary when I moved to Japan.

If I wanted something, I paid cash. If I didn’t have money, I waited until I did. If I was in urgent need of a loan, then it was on the phone to the folks Down Under to beg for a U.S.-style financial bailout.

The problem with this good economic sense is that the world expects you to be packing plastic. Whether hiring a Lexus, booking a room at the Peninsula, or subscribing to dubious Internet sites, it’s almost a requirement that you have a credit card.

The final straw came when I was holidaying overseas and went to check in to my hotel.

“Sir, can I please see your credit card?” asked the receptionist.

“Um, I don’t have one….”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

I don’t know what was more embarrassing — her response, or me having to leave, tail between my legs.

So despite having lived an almost trouble-free 24 years sans card, I decided it was time to take on the responsibility. Almost like a rite of passage.

In Japan, applying for a credit card is easy. A trip to my local Super Autobacs had me crossing paths with the in-store credit card man who, to my delight, spoke English. This and the gift of 1,000 Autobacs yen sealed the deal: my application was away. Three to five weeks later, I was awoken by a call from Visa. Exactly what was said, I don’t know, but after 10 painful minutes it was clear that I was being rejected.

A few months passed until I got around to applying again, this time at my local UFJ bank. Having been a loyal customer for well over a year, I thought I was a shoe-in. Again, helpful staff, again waiting period, and again rejection. The 500 yen shopping voucher the bank gave me was of little consolation.

The quest continued. First Mizuho told me to get lost. OK, that’s not quite true — they “suggested” I try the local SMBC. Which was unmanned. So I went back to Mizuho and, ultimately, got rejected, but picked up a bank account I didn’t need. Next, Citibank was happy to speak to me. This went well until I realized their fees would probably drag me below the poverty line. So it was back to UFJ, which this time around gave me a cheap clock and once again filed my application under “fat chance, gaijin.”

Now, all of this seems a bit suspect. I can’t remember the last time I entered a shopping center without passing the credit card table. Banks are always advertising them. You’d think it’s a shoppers’ market. On top of that, I am seemingly part of an in-demand demographic: I’m young, have a steady job, have lived years at the same address, and have no bad credit history because I have had… no credit. Right around now, most of you are probably thinking that the deciding factor in these repeated rejections is my fair hair and pasty-white complexion. I hope that’s not true, but I’m running out of ideas.

So what other options do I have? If it’s fast cash I’m after, I could try a credit financing firm like Aiful or Acom. But I avoid these loan sharks because of their high interest and potential for fast-mounting debt. Another idea is to organize a credit card from Australia. Assuming I’m accepted, though, I then have to worry about fluctuating exchange rates and whether the card would be accepted in Japanese stores.

If I’m really eager for a Japanese card, there’s one other thing I can do: call the local credit companies, who will advise me to visit one of their counselors, often found in big department stores. This representative would no doubt explain that having a Japanese spouse, job stability, solid local residency and a guarantor would do wonders for my application.

But what if you’re unmarried, between jobs, new to Japan and don’t like others to be accountable for your actions? Or what if you’re simply a lowly foreigner who just wants the chance to reply “credit” once in a while? Do like I do: tap your ruby slippers three times, apply for everything and, at worst, snap up all the free gift vouchers, clocks, laundry powder, happoshu, bags, calendars and aprons you can.

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